given by Traktung Rinpoche
175.o. szex csakrás kiárasztás
From the place of union (which means the place of sexual union in between
the male and female Vajrakilaya) the wrathful ones emanate.
The point where his penis goes into her vagina -- from that point, where the
pounding of the mortar and the pestle of bliss and wisdom, causes countless
emanations of tiny Kilayas. Thousands and thousands, which shine out from that
space and go all through the whole of the world, which is the place of your
practice. Countless, unkempt, wild with fury. They are wild with fury! Power!
They are the Buddha’s passion in its most powerful form as vajra wrath. And they
expel everything that prevents your practice, expelling those of perverse conduct,
those who break discretion, those who lead astray, cast out to the farthest limits.
So you visualize them all pushed out, pushed out, pushed out.
Is this pushing out to farthest limit and then instantaneously, faster than the
speed of light, they gather back into your form as Yabyum Kilaya, gathering back
the wrathful minions. As they gather back, their bodies form the vajra tent.
282. miért haragos vizualizáció
For this you arise as Dorje Purba, which is why you'll receive Dorje Purba
empowerment along with Vajrasattva. Because you need to have the wrathful
form. When you deal with obstructing spirits you never are a peaceful deity or
yourself, because they're not going to listen to Sky, and they’re not even really
going to listen to—but Dorje Purba arises, and Dorje Purba threatens to crush
them to dust, they'll take this seriously, right?
287. szex csakrás kiárasztás
All practitioners break
samaya sometimes, but it’s those who refuse to actually see the manner in which
they broke samaya and feel remorse for it and make amends, they then end up
expelled. Otherwise, all breakage of samaya is repairable through tsog feast and
offering. So, from the secret place where the vajra and lotus of Dorje Purba and
his consort come together issue forth like rain pouring down, tiny wrathful deities.
There's two fundamental kinds here. So, from you as Dorje Purba yabyum in
union with your consort, from the place where the vajra and the lotus meet in
sexual union, from that place pour out like a rainfall millions of tiny Dorje Purbas
and consort, that’s one form, just like your own appearance, and also million of
purba-based forms of Vajrakilia without consort. These two forms go out like a
rainfall–millions and millions, tiny wrathful deities. These go everywhere
expelling and annihilating obstructions.
292. Rakta vérbuborék
The rakta: you visualize yourself as Kilaya, Dorje Purba, right. You visualize
yourself as Dorje Purba. That all of delusion–you have your little rakta cup--the
little cup's not very big--little rakta cup right over here, then you visualize it as
huge–then you visualize that all of the delusion of all beings in the world masses
over this rakta cup like a giant red bubble, a tigle, a giant. It’s of the blood of all
delusion. And you pick up your purba and you pierce it. So you're visualizing, and
you pierce it, yeah? With the mantra: HUNG HUNG HUNG PHET. And as you
say this, the consciousness of the delusions is liberated and goes up into space, is
liberated as space and the life force blood of the delusions flows down into your
rakta cup. Then you visualize that within the rakta cup is this surging, churning
ocean of red blood, which manifests anything desirable for any being, yeah?
BALINGTA AH HUNG seven times. So this is how you–first you did the
blessings of the outer offerings, and these visualizations are the blessings of the
inner offerings, yeah?
This is the actual meaning, for instance, of the word Heruka or Traktung. Traktung
means blood-drinker, is the one who drinks the blood of all delusions, yeah, from
the rakta cup. This is what, for instance, Dorje Purba he's with his consort and
she's offering him a skullcup, it’s filled with this blood. It's the blood of all
delusions. Sometimes it’s said it’s the blood is the desire of all the beings. Because
in our human realm, desire is the fundamental delusion, it’s what characterizes the
human realm. So when, for instance, if you ever practice the text, and the text or
the commentary says that what's above the rakta cup is the desire of all beings, that
this also means the delusion of all beings. Desire is not wisdom unless it's become
desireless desire.
362. ganapudzsa szex vizualizáció
So...first is offering of union:
AH: The supreme vajra of skillful means, within the lotus basic space,
The secret offering, sublime union, the blissful nondual vast expanse.
So for this one, you arise in the form of wrathful deity, Dorje Phurba, in the case
of yab-yum, in the case of Vajrasattva practice. And wrathful deity yab-yum, it
says in the Vajrakilaya terma the mortar pounds.... the pestle pounds within the
mortar, right? So the mortar of course is the bhaga, the lotus, the vagina of the
goddess, which is of course what? It is Choying itself. The Pure Space of
Dharmata. And the inconceivable non-conceptual Dharmata is the sphere of Truth,
which is Dharmadhatu. Inside of this, the hammer of skillful means beats out its
rhythm, yeah? This pounding of the pestle and the mortar, and in this manner the
great bliss of skillful means arises spontaneously within the empty dimension of
space in response to the needs of beings.
So what does that mean? It means that eventually compassion is not meant to be a
contrived --in the beginning it is like everything -- but compassion ultimately is
not meant to be a contrived activity. Quite naturally and spontaneously skillful
means which is the movement of naturally occurring bliss. Inseparable from
wisdom’s sphere. Moves within that sphere and its very movement whatever form
it takes, is skillful means. Whatever form the dance the nine moods of dance of a
Heruka, of a great liberated being moving through space, whatever form that takes
is this union being talked about.
So Choying, the space of Dharmata itself, in which the appearances of luminosity
arise inseparable from great bliss wisdom, such a being moving is the union itself.
That’s the ultimate and real union. The Vajra master, any liberated being’s,
activity moving through space is union, and that union is a dance of union, which
brings about the liberation for all beings, does this makes some sense?
So, by unifying skill and means and exaltation of union nonconceptuality blazes
and destroys the obstacles of concepts. So how do you do this in the context of the
In the Sadhana, you as Dorje Phurba, emanate from your heart first
countless...and this is...countless male forms. All kinds of male deity forms who
are deeply, strongly. passionately aroused. Their vajra flags unfurled and waving
freely. In other words you visualize all these male deities, dakas, Rigdzin heroes,
naked standing, their erections, and then you emanate from yourself all the consort
deities, and all kinds of females dancing sensuously beautifully, their breasts and
baghas swollen and moist, and they enter into union. You visualize them entering
into union.
And the play then of bliss, this bliss, the play of bliss that comes from this
visualization, causes their eyes to look drunken, smiles on their face, the sound of
tigers and doves, all kinds of endless display of sweetness and beauty, fills space,
and the wonderment of that cloud from their place of union, emanates a cloudlike
brightness, and that cloudlike brightness is the offering to all of the Buddhas. And
to yourself, and all of you rest and abide within this offering. The great bliss of
this offering causes concepts to come to a dead still. Just to a still point. And this
is where the important aspect then of the practice of liberation says:
AH: Phenomena as a contrived concept, the notion “birth,” thought,
Are the vile, demonic rudras, to be killed, fed to Herukas!
Maha Rudra (Great Rudra), Kharam Khahi (Come eat this great Maha Rudra) So
liberation, what has to be understood here is, liberation is simply the continuation
to its ultimate extent of the path of union. The path of union whether you practice
with another, with a Karmamudra, or whether you practice with Dharmamudra,
through visualization, it ultimately doesn’t matter because there is no particular
difference between visualizations, dreams, substance material phenomena. The
point is that you must be willing to practice this great bliss union, when this great
bliss union whose fundamental essential nature is what other people call sex.
When it is practiced fully, the four joys happen spontaneously, and the fourth joy,
beyond joy is the obliteration of all concepts. It is as if the vajra pestle pounds the
mortar so hard that the very concept of concepts is destroyed. It’s like stabbing a
phurba a heart in every being because outside of concepts there are no beings.
Outside of concepts there are no Buddhas. Outside of concepts there is no samara,
nirvana, bondage, liberation. Outside of concepts there is no one to be freed. There
is nothing. So the fourth joy is the killing that Nyingmapas do. Is the killing of the
concept of being itself. This is the ultimate killing. And it’s simply the perfect
extent of union taken to its fullest, the fourth joy you kill everything and nothing is
left. Not a single thing is left. When bliss is strong and countless emanations of
yourself. So the way this is visualized the bliss of all these deities reaches its
pinnacle then suddenly from your Vajrakilaya yab yum form countless forms of
the phurba based Vajrakilaya fly into space. And they pierce through from the top
of the head straight out through the perineum. Every body of every being in
existence and those bodies explode, and there is only light. There is vast open
space, filled with the billion times a billion times a trillion droplets of light. Non-
conceptual great wisdom luminosity.
This make some sense? Good.
Suchness offering:
AH: Non conceptual vast freedom, beyond the scope of all imagining,
Supreme amongst all offerings, changeless, timeless and sublime.
Every offering in some sense from the first offering of homage, through the outer
offerings, inner menla, torma, rakta, to the union liberation, all the way to
suchness, are simply a continuum of ever-increasing bliss. That’s all they are. So
all these tigles every being and every concept is destroyed and there is only space
and light. That’s the ultimate offering. There is no concept you just rest in it.
When there is no concept there is no Buddha no sentient being, there is nothing to
offer and no one to offer it to, no offering made nothing to do nothing to not do,
yeah? That’s the suchness offering.
Om Benrza, the indestructible Dharmadhatu is just that. AH AH AH:
Just resting in that nothing. Yeah? This is the suchness offering. Then we have
come in some sense full circle because that suchness offering doesn’t include or
exclude anything. It doesn’t have beings or Buddhas, everything is there and
nothing is there, Neither or Both.
And then there is praise. And the praise just is so that all of this from Lama
Vajrasattva to Lama Vajrasattva and then you as Lama Vajrasattva are praising
Lama Vajrasattva who brought all this about.
EM AH HO! How wondrous the single bindhu beyond contrivance that’s what we
have when there is only awareness and light. The Lama’s secret essence mind.
This is what the Lama turned out to be along, you cry sometimes because you
never want to be separate from your lama. This is how the one is never separate
from one’s lama, ever.
The Lama’s secret essence mind is the source of every wisdom the origin of all
All mandalas and all Buddha appearances arise from these droplets of light. From
no place else and are nothing else.
To recall you form and beauty –
And now we actually think that Vajrasattva here, because we are also not...we are
not playing the ultimate off against the relative or the relative against the ultimate.
We are not saying “Now I just got my space and my life, fuck you, I don’t need
your form.” It’s not one against the other, there is not an outer guru leading you to
the inner guru. It’s a bunch of crap. All that kind of thinking is crap. To actual
wisdom there is not outer or inner. None of it is included or excluded.
So now we are actually Vajrasattva again in his form in front of us:
To recall your form and beauty, to recall your secret mantra,
Stirs the heart and mind to wisdom, opening cloudbanks of strong blessing.
Your mind is vastness without limit, luminous free and undefiled.
Your form is wisdom manifesting, your mantra like a lion’s roar,
Precious Lama Vajrasattva, I offer praise and pure devotion.
With pure devotion this is like another prostration. You have come absolutely full
circle again...